Know where you want to put your storage container, but not sure if you should put something underneath it?
Whenever AZ Containers sell a container to a person who will use it for storage, the person buying it typically asks “what kind of site prep is necessary”?
We recommend :
- Placing the container on 6 x 6 timbers.
- Placing the container on a bed of Crushed Stone.
- Placing it directly on Asphalt. (You may want to place the corners with 2 x 10 wood planks to the corners of the container doesn?t sink into the asphalt during periods of high temperatures.)
The only thing to be concerned about is that the surface is fairly level, smooth, and firm. The truck and trailer weigh over 30,000 lb., a concrete pad, asphalt paving or other sturdy surface is preferred and most drivers will not drive off of a road or paved surface. If you need an off road delivery it is best to discuss the road condition in advance. In considering the resting location for a container Asphalt, gravel, grass, earth, concrete surfaces are all acceptable. The container is self-supporting at the four corners. Therefore, on soft unstable surfaces we recommend each corner casting to be supported with a concrete footing, railroad ties, asphalt or a bed of gravel to spread the weight. This is also very important for container doors to operate smoothly.
We recommend to keep them out of the wet mud and dirt as I believe they will last longer.
For further information regarding our storage containers for rental or sales, contact AZ Containers at 877-292-6937.